James McCullough

Mona Lisa

I sometimes look up at the Mona Lisa print hanging on my wall and wonder, “Did da Vinci have bad days?”

Did he have stressful days where he wanted to give it all up?

Did he question why he did what he did?

Did he find people utterly exhausting some days?

Then I pause.

Of course he did, because he is human, and it’s likely what fueled his art.

And go back to sipping my tea.

A quiet evening. Miles Davis playing in the background and reading @Victoria_KL_’s book:
[MAKE IT HAPPEN: Motivation and Mindset to help you go from Burnout to Balance]https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07TXKKTY9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LfuoDbTEWHW7N)

Downtown Sunday

Chief Charlie swkn’cut - a chief of the local First Nation in the late 1890’s and 1900’s. His name means “one who sees oneself."

I think he would’ve been pleased to see how lively and cross-cultural downtown Kelowna was today. Nothing eventful happening. People walking up and down the boardwalk, ice cream and cold drinks in hand. Tourists had their bare feet in the sand and lake to cool off. Both beaches downtown were just packed with families enjoying the water and others lounging in the sun.

Another summer day in the Okanagan: as perfect as can be.


Read more about the statue at Tourism Kelowna

New series that I think everyone should watch: ‪@euphoriaHBO.

Twisted and keeps you on your toes. An engaging drama. (Definitely not safe for work.)

Mark called and told me it was Friday. I listened.

Do not delay

When a task is weighing on me mentally, I need to remind myself to take a moment then get it done. The longer I delay, the worst it will feel for me. The satisfaction in finishing the task will be the same regardless, if not less, because of feeling stupid about letting the task linger for so long.

I don’t like how much control a simple task can have on my mind. I most often put off the task not because the task itself is difficult (i.e. writing an email), but the message I am sending is not positive. Delivering bad news is never easy and shouldn’t be delayed.

Do the task; do not delay.

I really hate wasting a day when trying to fight off a bad headache. Sitting or laying down with my eyes closed is not very relaxing nor productive. Finally feeling better late in the afternoon. Tomorrow is a new day to do better.

Work appointment delayed by a few hours in Kelowna? Lay out in the sun at the beach.

One of the best parts about working in downtown #Kelowna is being able to visit different coffee places depending on my mood. So many great spots to choose from.

Nothing better to start the day than a nearly two hour conversation over good coffee.

It was a hard day at work today getting this property summer ready. Perfect day until I left in the afternoon.

“Because most of what we say or do is not essential. If you can eliminate it, you’ll have more time, and more tranquility. Ask yourself at every moment, ‘Is this necessary?'”

— Marcus Aurelius

Having a day. Just another one of those days.

‪What a perfect day in the Okanagan. Over 30, clear skies. ‬Zero complaints.

Starting to heat up in #Kelowna once more.

What I love about Canada is we can all choose whether to watch or not watch the Raptors game tonight; I can also say you would be a fool not to watch the game tonight. #WeTheNorth

‪Outrage of the day: my mom agreed to trade Park Place to my daughter for a Get Out Of Jail Free card and $20 giving her a monopoly!‬

“Old Navy doesn’t have anything cute,” she said, when I suggested we go take a look.

30 mins later, with a bag of items in tow:

“I’m obsessed with this jumper! It’s so cuuuute!”

When I grow up, I want to be able to pull off the boss move of pushing a Costco cart while carrying two ice cream cones in one hand. Call me impressed.

It may be more expensive to live here, but it’s always worth it when it heats up in the month of May. #Kelowna

Five phone calls before 10:00am. I think I can say my work is done for the day.

Black Summer is intense. Much much better than Walking Dead.

I feel sick watching Notre Dame burn. I was fortunate to be able to walk through it as a teenager on a high school trip. I feel sad that my daughter and many others won’t be able to walk inside and be amazed in its splendour.

#Paris #NotreDameCathedral

“And that’s all she wrote.” — Bob Cole

I’m not crying, you’re crying. Legendary voice.

I await the algorithms that can carry on conversations for you after you’ve clearly had too many drinks.