The first summers here were a struggle, because of the heat. This weekend, temperatures reached 40C. I loved it.
Then I look at Whitehorse (where I moved from) and it’s barely hitting 20C there.
So that’s why I struggled.
The worst emails I receive say something like, “Please call me tomorrow to discuss.”
I wish I understood why I get so worn out when plans change. I was excited for where things were going but now someone else decided to change us towards a new (still exciting) direction. It’s hard to feel energized for the new thing.
Like a lioness stalking her prey, my daughter is keeping a close eye on the pool in my building, waiting for the younger kids to leave for supper so she can pounce.
Still 34 degrees here in Kelowna at 6pm.
After having another bourbon, I’ll admit that there are a lot of good series out there and we can’t watch them all- but Peaky Blinders is one to watch.
I’m disappointed that none of you pointed out how excellent ‘Peaky Blinders’ is and I had to rely on Netflix recommending it to me.
On a more positive note, marking this day as an important one in the start of a new venture. Four hour morning meeting to start the initial plans. Haven’t been this excited in awhile.
I’ll forever never understand how my ex can exhaust me completely by midday.
Having one of those nights where I wish the responsibilities of tomorrow would disappear so I can remain as relaxed as I’m currently feeling and put off heading to bed even further.
It’s surreal to be sitting here watching a memorial service on Zoom this morning.
Life comes at you fast. Today, my ten year old daughter asked her crush out to the grade 5/6 dance.
It sounds like the blues, man.
Can we talk about how amazing the 2nd season finale of Sex Education is?
Today is a day of hot tea and Fisherman’s Friends. So tired.
Parenting is so different when I can sit at Indigo with my Starbucks while my daughter wanders the mall on her own.
I wish I understood why people feel the need to micro-manage from a distance when things are going well. I am feeling quite fatigued today from it.
“We know only four boring people. The rest of our friends we find very interesting. However, most of the friends we find interesting find us boring: the most interesting find us the most boring. The few who are somewhere in the middle, with whom there is reciprocal interest, we distrust: at any moment, we feel, they may become too interesting for us, or we too interesting for them.”
I wish I could control my frustration better when people don’t follow simple instructions. I internalize it, but still burns strong within me.
A Saturday night full of surprises.
While I continue to look for a new/additional position, I thought I would offer my affordable services to help others.
website hosting
Please retweet if possible and maybe I can help someone you know.
Above, at night, in downtown #Kelowna #mbfeb 📷
Enrolled for my continuing education program (online) thinking I’d be able to work through it next week. Nope. I have to wait a month to do the assignments. It’s 2020!
Should juse use a service like udemy to manage it.
The toughest words to hear from my daughter are when she tells me, “I don’t want to go to my mom’s next week.” Just heartbreaking that she doesn’t have a good relationship with her
I don’t understand people who tell you to do a thing, so you do the thing, but then tell you to not to do the thing after you’ve already done it.
My motivation to accomplish anything today is at a major low. The overcast weather is just making the headache I’m fighting that much worse. I really don’t want to look at screens today to try and get something done.