James McCullough

I had a nice meal with my daughter for her birthday. Brought her home and she opened up her gifts from me, read one of the new books for a bit, and is now at my computer writing about her year.

Mini-blogger in action. Stay tuned.

Bourbon at my side, @ulyssesapp open on my Mac. #AmWriting

#Bandersnatch is such a wonderful mind-fuck. Exactly what I needed at the end of 2018.

Latest @blackmirror episode on @Netflix - watch on a mobile or computer.

‪The one time I wake up in the middle of the night with a restless mind this month and it has to be today of all days. ‬

Listening to the editor picks of 2018 from Apple Music while drinking my bourbon.

It’s probably been noted countless times before, but the one thing I enjoy about the internet the most is the ability to consume media in pieces. If a magazine said only 1/12 tracks was good on an album, I would only listen to it on the radio. But now, I don’t have to rely on enjoying media completely. I can enjoy a song, a blog post, a tv episode without having to rely on catching it by chance being streamed on radio or television, nor having to purchase a newspaper, magazine, album, or DVD set of a TV series.

There are different prices being paid to access and enjoy this media, but I think the benefits outweigh the negatives.

I laid down in bed a few hours ago with the intention of waking up early in the morning. That’s going to prove difficult to do considering I’m still awake. Restless minds suck.

‪The trend of people not using question marks when asking questions is starting to lead to confusion. When I say, “Off to work,” some respond with, “No I’m not.”‬

Fighting off a headache all afternoon at work. Come home and the headache subsides within minutes of being here. Hmmm.

Time is going to shift back in thirty minutes. I guess that means I can pour myself another drink.

I hate how I get a burst of creative energy right around midnight each night. Why can’t it show up between 9:00am-9:00pm?

I managed to walk through Indigo/Chapters this evening and come out only holding a tea. A successful ending to a successful day.

My morning started with a message from my mom saying my daughter showed up on their door step. Her mom had gone to work and there wasn’t anyone else around. She got up on time, ate breakfast, put on her costume, and walked over.

She’s only 8. I’m both impressed and sad for her.